Bert Kuntz and Buster Frierson of Bison Union

Bison Union's Founder, Bert Kuntz is no stranger to taking risks, or hard work....escpecially hard work built on learning from failures. Prior to September 11, 2001 he was living on grilled cheese sandwiches & Cheetos while following the Grateful Dead and white water kayaking. Immediately following 9/11/2001 he enlisted in the United States Army and became an 18Delta or a Special Forces Green Beret Medical Sergeant with 1st Special Forces Group. After a successful ten year stint in special forces he moved on to chasing another American Dream, working hard to eventually start his own business. That led to several failures along the way, ultimately landing him on the front porch of a cattle ranch in Texas asking Ranch Cowboy, Buster Frierson for a $10 an hour ranch job with ZERO experience at ranching. That job ultimately led to creating Bison Union on the back of flatbed ranch truck drawing logos in red dirt and planning the birth of a company deep seated in making products for people who work hard for a living and love America. Fast forward a few years and Bison Union is rocking and rolling and Bert has picked up a few Bison and good dogs along the way!

Bison Union Co-Founder, Buster "The Bossman" Frierson, is pretty much a real life version of Pecos Bill! He was born in a small Texas town and was horseback before he could walk. He graduated from high school in Roscoe, Texas and continued on to college, but the scene didn't fit him. As an avid hunter he went on to work as a full-time hunting outfitter guide for several years as well as working as an electric lineman, fence builder, and professional welder. In Buster's own words, he's a jack of all trades, master of none. Buster's true passion for the last 25 years has been being a Cowboy and that's what he continues do. If you see Buster at a rodeo or out on the range somewhere you better be ready for two things...a heavy handshake and to drink some coffee.